Umami Hottie Collection

Umami Hottie

3 products

    Harold Jurado

    Chef Harold Jurado, Umami Hottie

    Founded by Chef Harold Jurado, a decorated ramen chef, Umami Hottie has quickly become a household name among ramen aficionados. Chef Harold has embarked on a journey to create a product that not only excites the taste buds but also pays homage to the rich tradition of ramen preparation.

    His most recent restaurant, Ramenwell in SF, is where he has homed in and distilled his experience Original Umami Hottie hot chili oil. He has then expanded it into three distinct yet flavorful variations: Original, Chunky and Crispy.

    3 products
    Chili Garlic in Oil (Crispy) - Here Here Market
    Chili Garlic in Oil (Crispy) - Here Here Market
    Chili Garlic in Oil (Crispy)
    Umami Hottie
    Chili Garlic in Oil (Original) - Here Here Market
    Chili Garlic in Oil (Original) - Here Here Market
    Chili Garlic in Oil (Original)
    Umami Hottie
    Chili Garlic in Oil (Chunky) - Here Here Market
    Chili Garlic in Oil (Chunky) - Here Here Market
    Chili Garlic in Oil (Chunky)
    Umami Hottie

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